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The Secret of getting ahead Is getting started



our mission is to inspire learning within a caring creative and international community to pursue excellence and to challenge students to think critically as they prepare for the world beyond.

choosing the right school for your child is choosing the right parenting partner.

We are committed to ensuring our pupils receive a well rounded education within and beyond the curriculum.

Our top most priority is to ensure quality teaching and learning keeping in mind the inclusive communication with the parents.

Ability to be innovative and creative is important for the school. We enjoy being challenged and inspired by the people around us.


Year Experience. SSKPS



Mrs. Geeta Bhambri (founding Mother) took her last breath on April 15, 2021; leaving countless students, teachers, and staff members to survive in her memories while she journeys to a heavenly abode. But she wasn’t just a Principal – she was a mentor who taught principles, a counselor, a beacon, and the centre-piece who held the SSK family together.

She was a lady with booming voice, strong presence and and a heart that embraced his staff and students. She was a leader in every sense of the word.

She was a lady entrusted with the overall leadership of the school in Ghaziabad. A Lady whose primary job was to serve the community by using her leadership skills in an educational setting and she did her job with integrity and grace.

Staff and the students used to call her “BADI MA’AM”. All the people associated with the school were the part of her extended family.

Like the captain of a ship, Geeta Bhambri steered us away from tumultuous tides and academic pitfalls. She shared a special bond with every student that she came across. She made her office a safe space for secrets. She listened, she understood. she made it her personal duty to see that everyone achieve their dreams.

Mrs. Geeta Bhambri

Founding Mother

In the last we can only say — Thank you, miss, for every effort you’ve given which shaped pieces of us that define who we are. Thank you, miss, for touching our lives; we will carry your fingerprints with us till the end of time. Thank you, miss, for exemplifying the seven beams of the sun, you are Sunbeams to us. You built SSK with your two hands, the same hands with which you held the childer’stiny fingers in Playgroup, the same hands with which you held that microphone and instilled us with guidance of how to be distinguished people in this life,

Every word that we write here for her is small Thank You, this is what we can say.

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Happy Students
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Award Winner
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Team Member

What our Students Says

frequently Asked questions

Would you like to know more about how you can help your child succeed in school? This answers questions frequently asked by parents of elementary and middle-school-aged children who—like you—want to help their children learn and succeed. It suggests effective ways you can support your child’s education.

Before the school year begins, find out as much as you can about the school your child will attend. Schools—even schools in the same district—can differ greatly. Don’t rely only on information about a school from other parents—their child might have different needs and expectations from a school than yours.

Ask the school principal for a school handbook. This will answer many questions that will arise over the year. If your school doesn’t have a handbook, ask the principal and teachers questions such as the following:

  • What teaching methods and materials are used?
  • Are the methods used to teach reading and math based on scientific evidence about what works best?
  • Are science and social studies materials up to date?
  • How much time is spent on each subject such as reading, math, science and history?
  • How does the school measure student progress?
  • What tests does it use?
  • Does the school meet state standards and guidelines?
  • Are teachers highly qualified?
  • Do they meet state certification requirements?
  • Find out if the school has a Web site and, if so, get the address. School Web sites can provide you with ready access to all kinds of information—schedules of events, names of people to contact, rules and regulations, and so forth.
  • Talk with your child about school. Let her know that you think school and learning are important.

Although teachers’ expectations vary, here are some social skills and behaviors generally expected of children entering SSK:

  • Children should be able to follow school and classroom rules.
  • Children should be able to listen attentively to and follow instructions.
  • Children should be able to concentrate on and finish a task.
  • Children should show self-control.
  • Children should respect the property of others, share and take turns.
  • Children should do as much for themselves as possible, such as taking care of their personal belongings, going to the toilet, washing their hands and taking care of and putting away materials.

Set up a conference early in the school year. Let the teacher know that you are interested in your child’s education and that you want to be kept informed of his progress. If English is your second language, you may need to make special arrangements, such as including in the conference someone who is bilingual.

If possible, also arrange to observe the teaching in your child’s classroom. Afterward, talk with the teacher about
what you saw and how it fits with your hopes for your child and your child’s needs.

Before a conference, write out questions you want to ask and jot down what you want to tell the teacher. Be prepared to take notes during the conference and ask for an explanation if you don’t understand something.

Talk with the teacher about your child’s talents, hobbies, study habits and any special sensitivities he might have, such as concerns about weight or speech difficulties.

Tell the teacher if you think your child needs special help and about any special family situation or event that might affect your child’s ability to learn. Mention such things as a new baby, an illness or a recent or an upcoming move.

Read aloud to your child often. Start reading to your child when he is a baby and keep reading as he grows up. As you read, talk with your child. Encourage him to ask questions and to talk about the story. Ask him to predict what will come next.

Ask family members and friends to consider giving your child books and magazine subscriptions as gifts for birthdays or other special occasions. Set aside a special place for your child to keep her own library of books.

Get help for your child if he has a reading problem. If you think that your child needs extra help, ask his teachers about special services, such as after-school or summer reading programs. Also ask teachers or your local librarian for names of community organizations and local literacy volunteer groups that offer tutoring services.

The right amount of homework depends on the age and skills of the child. National organizations of parents and teachers suggest that children in kindergarten through second grade can benefit from 10 to 20 minutes of homework each school day. In third through sixth grades, children
30 to 60 minutes a school day.

If you are concerned that your child has either too much or too little homework, talk with his teacher and learn about homework policies and what is expected.

Talk with your child’s teacher about homework policies. Make sure you know the purpose of the homework assignments, how long they should take, and how the teacher wants you to be involved in helping your child complete them. Agree with your child on a set time to do homework every day.

Make sure that your child has a consistent, well-lit, fairly quiet place to study and do homework. Encourage your child to study at a desk or table rather than on the floor or in an easy chair. Discourage distractions such as TV or calls from friends.

Make sure the materials needed to do assignments—papers, books, pencils, a dictionary, encyclopedia,
computer—are available. Show your child
how to use reference books or computer programs and appropriate Web sites. Ask your child to let you know if special materials are needed and have them ready in advance.

Talk with your child about assignments to see that she understands them.

When your child asks for help, provide guidance, not answers. Doing assignments for your child won’t help him understand and use information or help him become confident in his own abilities.

Attend back-to-school nights, student exhibitions and other school events. Get to know the teachers and other school personnel. Listen to their plans, know what they hope to accomplish with their students, and understand why they chose these goals. Attend parent organization meetings. Voice your hopes and concerns for your child and for the school. Help organize parent-teacher meetings around your interests and those of other parents. Offer to tutor students. If you are comfortable with technology, volunteer to be a computer tutor for both students and teachers, or ask if there are other ways that you can help the school to use technology.